Volunteer work parties help regularly with the conservation of our parish open spaces. They help with the management of heathland and, in Moors Valley, the management of woodland, ponds and Crane Lake.
Moors Valley Country Park
A practical volunteer party meets every first Wednesday of the month throughout the year as well as for additional tasks as opportunities arise. Tasks are conservation based though the winter and may include scrub clearance, pine pulling, hedge laying and other. In the summer months tasks are likely to include bracken control and maintenance work. Anyone interested is asked to register as a volunteer before coming to a task day. No experience needed, over 16s please. We are also keen to hear from any experienced nature enthusiasts who would be interested in carrying out surveys for any groups of flora and fauna in the Park. Please contact the visitor centre on 01425 470721, Email us or in person with any queries or to register your interest and they will put you in touch with the relevant Ranger.
Avon Heath Country Park
A group of volunteers meet regularly every Thursday throughout the year, and one Sunday a month in the Autumn and Winter at Avon Heath Country Park.
Work parties at Avon Heath are organised by Marco and Kate (Tel. 01425 478082)
They usually meet at the Rangers’ Work Base, please note this is NOT the Visitors Centre. If you need directions please don’t hesitate to contact them. Please telephone to let them know you are coming so they have enough tools for everyone on the day, and to check the meeting point as occasionally they carry out work at South Park and other sites. New volunteers and family groups are always welcome! Work parties start at 10am and finish around 3pm. Please wear old clothes, sensible footwear and bring a packed lunch if staying all day. They often have a bonfire to burn off the brash, so please consider this when choosing your clothes for the day. Gloves, tools, hot drinks and biscuits are provided. All tasks are subject to change, please phone Marco or Kate nearer the time for more details.
Thursday Volunteers at Avon Heath Country Park: The Thursday volunteer group meet every Thursday 10am – 3pm throughout the year, apart from the first Thursday of the month when they work at Lions Hill – see below.
Ranger at Avon Heath Country Park are planning to have work parties at Slop Bog. There are plans to run these every month, but dates are yet to be confirmed. Please phone the Rangers for further information, meeting points and times on 01425 478082.
Lions Hill
Work parties take place in the winter months only on the first Thursday of the month. Phone Rick on 07810 770565 for further details.
Litter Picking
The Parish is very lucky to have a group of 14 residents who regularly go out and litter pick in different parts of the Parish if you would like to join them please contact the Parish Clerk by email on clerk@stleonardsparishcouncil.gov.uk for further information.