
Woolsbridge Road closure

I have received a more accurate update from SGN this afternoon. Please see below.
Road closure Woolsbridge Road, Monday 18 November – essential gas main replacement
From Monday 18 November to 11 July 2025, SGN engineers will start a programme of work to replace the gas main along Woolsbridge Road in Ashley Heath. These essential works involve the replacement of old metal gas pipes with new plastic pipes to ensure we can continue to provide residents with a safe and efficient gas supply to the community.
Due to the location of the gas main in the road we’ll need to have traffic measures in place as follows.
Phase one ROAD CLOSED – from 18 November to 20 December
We’ll be working between the junction of the A31 (Ringwood Road) to the junction to Laurel Lane. We’ll need to have a full road closure in place, this will mean no through vehicle access along Woolsbridge Road in either direction past these two junctions.
Throughout the entire programme of work, vehicle access to properties within the closure areas will be maintained, the team on site will keep residents informed about local arrangements.
For phases two through seven our engineers will be working their way along the road in sections as outlined below. To maintain traffic flow, Woolsbridge Road will be made one way. Traffic will only be able to travel along Woolridge Road in a northbound direction. This will mean vehicles will need to enter Woolsbridge Road from the A31 end of the road only – southbound traffic will not be possible.
  • Phase two – from the junction of Horton Road to South of Ashley Drive West
  • Phase three – from the junction of Ashley Drive West to Hill Way
  • Phase four – from the junction of Hill Way to Gainsborough Road
  • Phase five – from the Junction of Gainsborough Road to Sandy Lane
  • Phase six – from the junction of Sandy Lane to Pine Drive
  • Phase seven – from the junction of Pine Drive to Laurel Lane
A map of a road with a path

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Bus routes will be affected – we’d advise passengers to contact your service provider for the latest changes to service and diversions.
Bin collection days will remain unchanged unless you hear otherwise from service provider.
We appreciate road closures are disruptive for local communities and residents, please can we assure you the team will be doing all the can to complete these essential works without delay. We’re sorry for the inconvenience these works will cause.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.