St Leonards & St Ives Parish Council
Playpark Committee Minutes 8
th February 2021
Meeting of the Playpark Committee
Minutes of the Meeting Held on Monday 8th February 2021 at 5pm
Held virtually on Zoom
Present: Cllr K Gawler, Chairman
Cllr JW Parker Cllr Mrs B Waugh Cllr Mrs U Lucas
In attendance:
Mr Jonathan Ross, Clerk to the Council.
Mrs Ann Jacobs, Assistant to the Clerk
251. Public Open Forum: None
252. Interests – Pecuniary: None declared.
253. Apologies None
254. This is the inaugural meeting of the Playpark Committee.
255. Facilitation Works to allow the main contract to proceed:
To allow the main contract of the installation of new play equipment and surfacing to
proceed in the summer, there are several pieces of work required.
These works are:
1. Tree works to allow a new entrance to be created at the Lions Wood end of the
playpark. This work includes removal of two trees and several stumps. There are
no TPOs on the trees to be removed. A new oak tree will be planted nearby. A
quote has been received for £981.25+VAT for this work from the Tree
Management Company. This work is programmed to take place in the next two
2. To install a galvanised palisade double gate 1.2m high and 3.4m wide into the
existing fence line. The supply and installation cost is quoted as £1210. This
work will take place immediately after the tree works are complete.
3. To remove all existing unwanted play equipment from site. This work is quoted to
cost £960. It is unknown what existing concrete bases still exist underground that
will have to be removed. There will be an additional cost for this. The amount of
work and the cost can only be determined when the site gravel is removed.
4. To replace 10m of timber around the zip wire area. The cost for this is £110.
5. All the gravel in the toddler and junior areas is to be removed from site. The
gravel under the zip wire is to remain and will be topped up with some of the
gravel from the toddler area. The quoted cost to remove the gravel from site is
£4500. The removal of the equipment and the gravel will take place when the
playpark is closed in May 2021.
The costs for these works will be taken from the £100k funding already approved by
Full Council to fund the playpark refurbishment.
Member agreed that the following works should go ahead and at the costs quoted:
•Tree works for £981.25+VAT.
St Leonards & St Ives Parish Council
Playpark Committee Minutes 8
th February 2021
•Removal of the equipment, installation of the double gates and timber edging
for £2280.
•Removal of gravel for £4,500.
Agreed unanimously. Proposed by Cllr Mrs B Waugh, seconded by Cllr JW Parker.
RESOLVED: It was approved to fund the tree works for £981.25+VAT,
equipment removal and gate installation for £2280 and gravel removal for
256. Tender returns and Evaluation Process:
The Clerk explained that the return date for tenders was the 12th March 2021.
This date may change if tenderers request an extension of time. It was
highlighted that the tenders must be evaluated and moderated prior to being
submitted to Full Council on 31st March 2021 for the award approval. The tender
evaluation process was explained. The Clerk and two committee members will
carry out the tender evaluation.
257. Timescales – The Clerk reported that providing sufficient compliant tenders are
received and are affordable, we will be in a position to make an award on the 31st
March 2021. The playpark would close on 1
st May 2021. This would allow the
equipment and gravel to be removed in anticipation of the main works starting on 1
June 2021 or thereabouts. Allowing for landscaping and fencing works it is hoped
the playpark could be open in time for the school summer holidays in late July.
258. Budget – The project currently has an approved budget of £100k. Additional
funds may be required to cover the cost of new seating, picnic tables, signage, litter
bins, CCTV and landscaping. Until the tender costs have been received it is not
possible to predict a forecast of outturn.
259. Exchange of information:
No date has been set for the next meeting.
Meeting closed at 17.53hrs